NorthWest Detroit Coin Club
NorthWest Detroit Coin Club
Charter and By-Laws
REVISED JUNE 14, 2005 Approved September 13, 2005
Article I This organization shall be known as the Northwest Detroit Coin Club.
Article II The purpose of this organization is to encourage and promote interest in numismatics and to cultivate friendly relations among collectors, students and dealers. In addition, this club will encourage and assist novice collectors. Also, the club will provide a time and place to buy, sell or trade coins.
Article III Membership Section 1 Members who joined before February 28, 1962 shall be known as Charter Members. Section 2 Any person 18 years of age is eligible for full membership. Persons between the ages of 12 and 17 who are children of full members, or who are sponsored by full members are eligible for junior membership.
A. Junior members are not eligible to hold office.
B. Junior members are ineligible to vote in the election of officers.
C. Junior members are eligible to vote on items before the general membership.
Section 3 Applicant must be sponsored by a member in good standing. Application for membership may be submitted at any regular meeting and must be accompanied by full payment of dues. The secretary shall read the request for membership at a regular meeting. All applicants are subject to final approval by two/thirds vote of membership present.
Section 4 A membership number shall be assigned to each new member.
Section 1 The elective officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. A board of Governors, consisting of the past President and 2 other members appointed by the President will serve for one year. This body shall be known as the Executive Board.
Section 2 The President shall preside at all meetings and in his absence the duty shall fall on the other officers in the order named above.
Section 3 Full members in good standing are eligible for office.
Section 4 Candidates for Officers shall be nominated during the first meeting of each November; elected during the second meeting of each November and installed in office during the first meeting in December. The first meeting in January is to be known as the annual meeting.
A. Candidates for office must have accepted the nomination for office. Nominees must accept or decline at the first meeting in November. Anyone nominating a member who is not present at the meeting must have the nominee’s permission in writing.
Section 5 The secretary shall provide paper ballots for the election of officers. Article V DUES Section I The revenue of the Club shall be derived from dues, fundraisers, auctions,
Assessments and Contributions of its members.
Section 2 Annual dues for Full Members shall be $6.00 per person for the period of January I to December 31. Annual dues for junior members shall be $3.00 per year. Dues must be paid with new applications
Section 3 All dues must be paid in advance, and failure to pay dues within a three-month grace period from January 1 will automatically cancel membership.
Section 4 Members may be re instated by payment of dues.
Section 5 To be eligible for any free activity, a member must have attended 6 meetings and/or worked 6 hours for a club activity as verified by the sign in sheet.
Article VI
Section 1 This Charter and By-Laws may be altered or amended.
Section 2 Alterations or amendments to these By-Laws shall be presented at a regular meeting, but not voted upon until the next regular meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of members present shall amend. BY-LAWS Article I Section 1 The President shall preside at all meetings and be exofficio member of all committees.
Section 2 The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his absence. The Vice President will perform duties as requested by the President and Board which enhances the interests of the Club.
Section 3 The Recording Secretary shall keep a written record of all transactions and report the minutes of all regular meetings. The Recording Secretary will type out and send auction and meeting notices by electronic and regular mail.
Section 4 The Corresponding Secretary shall prepare mailings as directed by the Executive Board.
Section 5 The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies and keep an accurate record. A ledger of all receipts and disbursements shall be available at all times for review of the Executive Board. The membership may request an audit by the Executive Page 4 Board.
Section 6 The Publicity Chairman/Webmaster and the Program Chairman shall be appointed by the President. A. The Publicity Chairman/ Web Master shall promote membership by publishing through all media. B. The Program Chairman shall provide programs of numismatic interest to the membership. Programs related to all disciplines of numismatic subjects are encouraged.
Section 1 This club is formed for the mutual benefit of its members. Each member shall exert every effort to make it a success by recruiting new members. Also, each member is encouraged to promote the advancement of the organization and the study of numismatics.
Section 2 The By-Laws may be amended in exactly the same manner in which the Charter may be amended. The same procedure must be followed.
Section 3 No member shall incur any expense in the name of the club except the President and Secretary, who may incur expenses for postage, printing, supplies and stationery.
A. Recurring expenses related to the conduct of meetings may be approved long term unless altered by the Board
Section 4 All officers at the expiration of their term of office shall deliver to their successors all books, papers, monies or other property of the Club in their possession.
Section 5 The Club shall maintain national affiliation through Club membership in the American Numismatic Association, the Michigan State Numismatic Association and Central States Numismatic Society.
Section 6 A Library shall be maintained for the benefit of the members. The President shall appoint the Librarian within 30 days of assuming office.
Section 7 The President shall appoint any Chairman and/or committees deemed necessary to enhance the mission of the Club. Page 5
Section 8 Any member violating these by-laws, by a majority vote of the Governing Board, shall be expelled from membership.
Section 1 List of lots for auction should be submitted to the Recording Secretary by Tuesday, one week before the meeting so it may be published prior to the meeting.
Section 2 The Auction committee shall determine the number of lots for auction. A. Pre-listed lots have a priority over those brought in without advance notice.
Section 3 Lots for auction may be submitted by members only.
Section 4 Minimum bid to be submitted with lot list.
Section 5 It is the bidder’s responsibility to evaluate the seller’s grading prior to bidding. A winning bid should only be nullified by mutual agreement between the buyer and seller.
Section 6 Payment for all lots must be provided immediately following the auction.
Section 7 A commission of three per cent will be paid on all lots sold. This includes lots sold during and after the auction. The commission fee is due from the seller immediately after the auction.
Section 8 An auction of 10 to 15 lots may be offered using Club coins if no other auction is being offered. Receipts from the auction will be used to replenish the Club’s inventory of coins.
Section 1 Meetings will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. No meeting on the 4th Tuesday of June or in July or August.