NorthWest Detroit Coin Club




50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin

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NorthWest Detroit Coin Club

Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday Each Month Except July & August   

Meetings at the Liv

Livonia Senior Center


Junk Auction June 2013


Livonia wins !!!! Tom  points to a bid and Scott   looks for one at the NorthWest Detroit Coin Club's 'Junk Auction' last week, in which club members donate numismatic (coin related) items and other 'junk' (valuable / invaluable items) to be bid on - with the proceeds going to the City for use of a room at the Senior Center for their meetings. NWDCC is one of the states largest coin clubs, with members from all over the Metro Detroit area and beyond, and it meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the Month, except summer months. Everyone is welcome to join. For more information -
photo credit: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo / M News Service (313 580 2393)




Ready to bid...members of the NorthWest Detroit Coin Club held their yearly 'Junk Auction' at the Livonia Senior Center, last Tuesday, which featured member donated numismatic and other collectible, invaluable and valuable items that went up for bid, with the proceeds going to the City of Livonia for use of a room at the Senior Center for the Clubs meetings.
The Club meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, except for the summer months. For more information go to:
photo credits: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo / M News Service (313 580 2393)



Money (basket) balls and Fed Shreds were some of the items donated to the NorthWest Detroit Coin Club 'junk auction', June 11th, at the Livonia Senior Center. Club members donate numismatic items, valuable and other invaluable items to be put up for bid, with the proceeds going to the City for using a room for Club meetings, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, except summer months. Steven  , a Northwestern Mutual Financial Representative, donated the 'money balls (which have reproductions of US currency) and Katherine Nelson, of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, in Detroit donated the Fed Shreds - $346 worth old of shredded currency. The money balls and fed shreds have also been used as door prizes for the Wayne Coin Club and NWDCC.
photo credit: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo / M News Service (313 580 2393)


Spring Coin Show




The 2013 NWDCC Coin Show was a huge success and was very busy from opening to close.
Photo credit: MNS Photo / M News Service (313 580 2393)


Joe Goode, broken leg and all - showed up to buy, sell and show his collection of coins and numismatic items.
Photo credit: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo / M News Service


Your from where ??? Johannesburg, South Africa??? NO - Emily and Rob Baganz (R) didn't come that far to sell their coins and other numismatic items at the 2013 NWDCC Coin Show, their from Michigan.
Photo credit: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo / M News Service

Fred Knust (L) is known for his Classical Oriental and Western Coins and he was a vendor at the 2013 NWDCC Coin Show, March 24, 2013. Be there for their Fall Coin Show.
Photo credit: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo / M News Service.

Michigan State Numismatic Society awards breakfast (Spring Show) brought together award winners - including NWDCC members.
photo credit: David L. Malhalab  MNS Photo