Next Meeting(s) - Tuesday, March 13/27 - 7:30 pm
Livonia Senior Center
As we begin our 51st year as a Club, your Club Board has developed the following procedural guidelines to which your officers will make every effort to adhere:

1. From 7:00 to 7:25 pm, you should:
     a. Sign in;  b. Put on your name tag;  c. Buy 50/50 tickets (optional);  d. Buy silver raffle tickets (optional);  e. Pay dues, turn in ticket money, etc.;  f. Take your seat.


2. At 7:30, all above activities will stop and the Meeting will begin. After this point, if you're arriving late, you should simply take a seat as late sign-ins/name tags etc. will not be allowed.
3. If there is a speaker, that presentation will be during this part of the evening.
4. Drawings will take place after the general meeting; but again, there will be no late sign-ins or ticket sales.
5. After the drawings, we will take a Break for refreshments and review the auction lots, if any. At this point, late-arriving members may sign in so your attendance will count toward the six meetings required for the Holiday Dinner in December.
Mission Statement: The purpose of this organization is to encourage and promote interest in numismatics and to cultivate friendly relations among collectors, students and dealers. In addition, this Club will encourage and assist novice collectors; the Club will also provide a time and place to buy, sell or trade coins.
At our 50th Anniversary Dinner Meeting at Fortune Buffet, 37 people enjoyed the bounties of the evening, which included the scrumptious buffet, fortune cookies, a special Commemorative Souvenir with 1962 coins, and the very educational Post-Presidents' Day Quiz which, sadly, found our knowledge of US Presidents on US coins to be somewhat lacking. As well, for the first time we approved a budget, which now gives a framework to guide our finances for the year.
At this meeting, Vice President Joe Goode will give a presentation on Obsolete Currency (Broken Bank Notes), much of which was issued in the mid-19th Century in Michigan. Also our Bourse Chair Don Priebe will reviews plans and needs for our upcoming Spring Coin Show on April 1. In addition to the pick-and-choose auction as listed below, we'll have tasty baked goods, congenial beverages and good fellowship - we hope to have you with us!